Wolfe County Kentucky
Links to Wolfe County Sites
Backroads of Eastern Ky Oak,Locust and Maple in the fall
Wolfe county, the 110th formed in the state, was established in 1860, out of parts of Morgan, Breathitt, Owsley, and Powell counties, and named in honor of Nathaniel Wolfe, then a state senator from the city of Louisville. It is situated in the central eastern portion of the state, on the waters of Red river, which runs from E. to W. through the county, while the North fork of the Kentucky river forms its southern boundary; is bounded on the N. and E. by Morgan, S.E. by Breathitt, S. by Lee, and W. by Lee and Powell counties; and contains an area of about 170 square miles. Besides the above, the streams are Gilmore's, Stillwater, Swift, Parched Corn, Wolf Pen, Gilladie, Upper Devil and Lower Devil creeks. The surface of the county generally is hilly and broken, with some rich level land along the river and creek bottoms. Corn is the principal product; but wheat, oats, hay, and some tobacco are raised, and cattle, hogs, horses, and mules to a very limited extent.